Physician, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Researcher, Consultant

Dr. Dan Miulli

Dr. Miulli's Home Page

Continuing Education Home

(Continued from page 31)

Vascular surgery new techniques
Guidelines to prenatal care & screening
Breast cancer update
Use & abuse of opiods in pain management
Deep neck space infections

01/26/00 Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension, Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

02/01/00 Stroke Prevention and Treatment 2000 Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

02/10/00+ American Heart Association's 25th International Stroke Conference, New Orleans, LA, Cat.I-21hrs

02/16/00 Neuroscience Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

03/15/00 Neuroscience Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

03/17/00+ 11th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society, Scottsdale, Arizona, Cat.I-32hrs
Quality of Life Assessment following Skull Base Surgery, the Toronto Experience
Surgical Treatment of Skull Base Meningiomas - Balancing Radicality with the Quality of Life
The Role of Cost-Effectiveness Analyses in Cranial Base Care
Comparison of Postoperative Variables Observed After Differing Surgical Approaches to the Skull Base
Radiosurgery for Cranial Base Recurrences of Head and Neck Cancer: Successes and Limitations
Skull Base Second Malignancy in Patients with Hereditary Retinoblastoma
The Misdiagnosis of Olfactory Neuroblastoma and Its Clinical Implications
Surgical Management of Infratemporal Fossa Tumors in Children
Management of Intratemporal Facial Nerve
Extratemporal Lower Cranial Nerve Sheath Tumors
Sphenoid Wing and Cavernous Sinus Tumors
Sphenoid Wing Meningiomas
Microsurgery of Cavernous Sinus Meningiomas
Sellar and Parasellar Lesions
Radiation Surgery of Benign Cavernous Sinus Tumors
Radical Surgery of Benign Cavernous Sinus Tumors
Glomus Jugulare Tumors
Long Term Tumor Control Results with Surgical Resection
Long Term Tumor Control Results with Surgical Resection and Radiation
Complications of Treatment from Surgery and Radiation
Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Glomus Jugulare Tumors
Microvascular Decompression Techniques
Microvascular Decompression of the Vestibulocochlear Nerve for Disabling Positional Vertigo - The House Ear Clinic Experience
Effects of Botulinin Toxin on Clinical Outcome of Microvascular Decompression for Hemifacial Spasm
Effect of Botulinin Toxin on Intraoperative Lateral Spread During Microvascular Decompression for Hemifacial Spasm
Snare Technique of Vascular Transposition in Microvascular Decompression. A Key Surgery to Avoid Recurrence
Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas - A 12 Year Review
Petroclival Chordomas: A Management Challenge
Cranial Neuropathy and Tumors of the Clivus
Surgical Management of an Infrasellar Craniopharyngioma
Endoscopic Assisted Surgery
The Long-term Effects of the Extreme Lateral Approach to the Craniovertebral Junction
Meningiomas of the Foramen Magnum: the Experience of the Istituto Nazionale Neurologico
Ventral Foramen Magnum Meningiomas: Diagnostics, Treatment Protocol and Results of Surgical Treatment
The Far-Lateral Approach: A Review of 100 cases at the Barrow Neurological Institute
Variations in Exposure for Far-Lateral Approaches to Foramen Magnum: Retrospective Analysis of 26 Cases
The Extreme Lateral-transatlas Approach for Resection of the Dens of Axis
The Hypoglossal Canal and Its Significance for the Skull Base Approaches
Rigid Fixation of the Occiput in the Management of Craniovertebral Junction Abnormalities
Microsurgical Anatomy and Surgical Approaches to the Anterior Border of Foramen
Extreme Lateral Approach for Ventrally Situated Intradural Lesions at Lower Brainstem and Upper Cervical Cord
Reconstruction of the Skull Base
Complications of the Translabyrinthine Approach for the Removal of Acoustic Neuromas
Benefits of Endoscopy in Skull Base Tumors
Foramen Magnum Meningiomas
Occipital Cervical Fusion
Far Lateral Transcondylar Approach

(Continued on page 33)

Dr. Dan Miulli | Family | Education | Work Experience | Teaching & Research | Continuing Education | Selected Papers

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