Physician, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Researcher, Consultant

Dr. Dan Miulli

Dr. Miulli's Home Page

Continuing Education Home

(Continued from page 20)

Stroke: The Neurosurgeon's Domain
Experimental Advances in Spinal Cord Injury
Clinical Trials & Advances in the treatment of spinal cord injury
The effect of magnesium on spinal cord injury
Result of phase I clinical trial of adoptive immunotherapy for high grade gliomas
MRI spectroscopy of brain tumors
Cervical spine management in severe non-penetrating CHI
Intraventricular Urokinase for spontaneous IVH
Early combined management of frontal sinus & facial fractures
Joint section meeting on neurotrauma & critical care
Think first
Neurosurgery of the spine: state of the art & future methods
Malignant gliomas: past, present & future strategies
Contemporary management of vasospasms
Malignant meningiomas
Functional neurosurgery
Pediatric neurosurgery
Head injury
Hypothermia in experimental TBI
Hypothermia for the treatment of SHI
Treatment of vasospasm following traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
Intracranial aneurysms: Surgical treatment vs endovascular
Primary brain tumors: Resective surgery vs biopsy & adjuvant therapy
Contemporary management for malignant brain tumors
Carotid artery stenosis: Endarectomy vs stenting
Benign cavernous sinus tumors: Radical resection vs debulking adjuvant therapy

10/03/97+ Advanced Skull base Microanatomy and Hands-on Dissection Workshop, AGHH, Pittsburgh, PA, Cat.I-21hrs

11/21/97+ Applications of Image Guided Endoscopic Surgery, Naples, Florida, S. Mattingly, Cat.I-14hrs

02/13/98+ 9th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society, Hawaii, Cat.I-34hrs
Sinonasal tumors: The Arkansas experience
Extended osteoplastic frontal sinus craniotomy for resection of intrrracranial epidermoid tumors
Two staged skull base surgery for advanced nasal and paranasal sinus carcinoma to the skull base
The cariable anatomy of the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries
Meningiomas involving anterior visual pathways: Radiological findings and surgical planning
Some technical tips for the cranio-orbital zygomatic approach
Surgical complications of craniofacial surgery for tumors involving the anterior skull base
Results of En bloc resection of the skull bae and facial components for advanced paranasal sinus carcinoma to the skull base
Intracranial spread of inverted papilloma of the nasal cavity
Intracranial approach to suprasellar Rathke's cleft syst
Cranioplasssssty with computer generated reinforced polymere carbonfiber implants
Osteoplastic obiliteration of the frontal sinus with hydroxyapatite
Current management of traumatic and spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid fistulas: Report of 31 consecutive patients
Orbital prosthesis for malignant orbital tumor
Towards understanding the natural history of olfactory groove meningioma
Anterior Skull Base: Complications Avoidance and Rehabilitation
Surgery of Petroclival Tumors - Past, Present, & Future
Petroclival Meningiomas: Therapeutic Decision Making and Treatment Outcomes
Emerging Technologies: Endoscopy & Minimally Invasive Surgery
Endoscoppe assisted cranial base and microneurosurgery: Application, limitations and future development
Endoscopic endonasal approach for midline anterior skull base lesions: A cadaver study
Endoscopic endonasal approach to the cavernous sinus
Ensoscopic transsphenoidal approach for sellar lesions
Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery in 100 patients
Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Approach to Pediatric Pituitary Tumors
Neuroendoscopic approach to arachnoid systs
Endoscopic endonasal approach to the clival and midline posterior fossa tumors
Surgical approaches to the juxtasellar region, and a new skull base technique
Orbitozygomatic approach by transposition of temporalis muscle and one-piece osteotomy
The sphenoid sinus and giant tumors of the parasellar region
Anterolateeral approaches to sellar and parasellar tumors
Trigeminal schwannoma: Cranial nerve function and selection of the surgical approach
Extradural approach for cavernous sinus tumors
Surgery for tuberculum sella meningioma-experience of 25 cases
Surgical risk score of petro-clllival meningiomas
Surgery of the vascular tumors of the cavernous sinus

(Continued on page 22)

Dr. Dan Miulli | Family | Education | Work Experience | Teaching & Research | Continuing Education | Selected Papers

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