Physician, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Researcher, Consultant

Dr. Dan Miulli

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Continuing Education Home

(Continued from page 21)

Microsurgical treatment of giant petroclival tumors
En bloc resection of skull base malignant tumors
Intraoperative EMG monitoring of oculomotor nerves
Usefulness and limitation of transbasal interhemispheric
Usefulness and limitation of transbasal interhemispheric
Predictors of outcome in surgery for petroclival
Surgical treatment of retrochiasmatic craniophaaarynhiomas
Surgery for cavernous sinus hemangiomas
Parasellar: Complication Avoidance & Rehabilitation
One Path to the Base (Winslow's Folly)
Multidissciplinary Approach to Clival Chordomas
Emerging Technologies: Stereotaxis & Neuronavigation
Large invasive pituitary adenomas: Management strategies
Neuronavigation and skull base & parasagittal intracranial surgery
Image-guided surgery of the skull base using a novel miniature position/orientation sensor
Computerized neuronavigation in neurroendoscopic procedures
Fluoroscopically assisted laser targeting of the skull base: A technical note
Contouring surgery using 3D solid models in craniofacial fibrous dysplasia
Trans-oral resection of a trans-clival meningocele: Case report and review of the literature
Skull base approaches combined with profound hypothermic circulatory arrest for somplex posterior circulation aneurysms
Limited zygomatic osttaotomy for skull base lesions: A Cadaveric study
Clinical and anatomo-pathological correlations in skull base chordomas and chondroid tumors
Nasophaaryngeal-fhinosinnusal pathologies and skull base surgery
Current surgical management of foramen magnum meningioomas. Report of 28 cases
Management of cranial chordomas
Fibrous dysplasia of the skull base
Cranial base tumors: A scoring system for the risk of postoperative deficit
Neuroenteric cyst associated with the diastomatomyelia of the cranial vertebral junction
Repair of CSF Leakage using "quicksetting" hydroxyapetite cement
Microsurgical treatment of trans-tentorial CPA epidermoid cyst
Infratemporal fossa approach for benign skull base lesions
Presigmoid transpetrosal approached for skull base lesions
Presigmoid transtentorial approach for CP-angle epidermoid tumors
Advantage and limitation in anterior petrosal approach
Jugular foramen tumors: Presentation and approach analyzed by tumor type
The microsurgical landmarks to preserve hearing in the combined anterior and posterior petrosal approach
Developmental patterns of and surgical strategy for trigeminal neurinomas
Electrocochleography (EcoG) as a complementary method for cochlear nerve monitoring during acoustic neuroma surgery
Prediction of hearing damage during acoustic neuroma surgery
Intra-oparative monitoring consistently preserves facial nerve function
Quantitative analysis of intraoperative EMG monitoring as a predictor for facial nerve function (FNF) in acoustic neuroma surgery
Evolving facial nerve management in facial neuromas of the posterior cranial fossa.
The effect of neuromuscular blockade on facial nerve monitoring
Predicting facial nerve outcome after acoustic neuroma surgery by amplitude ratios
Lateral Skull Base: Complication Avoidance & Rehabilitation
Facial Nerve Repair in Skull Base Lesions
Foramen Magnum: Complication Avoidance & Rehabilitation
Emerging Technologies: Radiosurgery Immunologic Markers and the Future for Immunotherapy, Endocrine Therapy, and Gene Manipulation
Skull base surgery:  A historical perspective
Complications of radiation to the temporal bone
Treatment of cavernous sinus tumors with LINAC radiosurgery
Cell-mediated cytotoxicity for the treatment of brain tumors
Inter-disciplinary approach to tumors of the skull base: Outcome and functional analysis in 152 patients
Rational use of combined approaches for giant tumors of the middle floor
Venous considerations in cranial base surgery
Microsurgery of sella region meningioma
The foramen ovale-a Direct pathway between intra-and extracranium for the base of skull masses
Direct visualization of the fundus of the inernal auditory canal via the retrosigmoid-transmeatal approach
An experimental study of intracranial dead space and fronto parietal advancement: Single stage versus gradual advancement
Influence of localization, approach and intraopeerative monitoring on outcome in posterior fossa meningiomas
The Leforte 1 approach to Pterygoid, sphenoid and clivial tumors
Jugular Foramen Schwannomas - Surgical approach and treatment outcome
Translabyrinthine removal of large acoustic neuromas: A review of 194 consecutive cases
Functional outcome of lower cranial nerves in 19 operated cases of juglar foramen schwannomas

(Continued on page 23)

Dr. Dan Miulli | Family | Education | Work Experience | Teaching & Research | Continuing Education | Selected Papers

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