Physician, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Researcher, Consultant

Dr. Dan Miulli

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Continuing Education Home

(Continued from page 27)

Non-linear Tapered Lag Screw Design for Odontoid Fracture Fixation
                               PACS-Pula is a less Invasive Technique for Early Decompression and Fixation of Unstable Burst Thoracolumbar Fractures in High Risk Patients with Neurological Deficit
Vertebroplasty: Treating Osteoporotic Compression Fractures with Percutaneous Laser-Guided Injection of Methylmeethacrylate
Impact of Intraoperative CT on Spinal Metastasis Resection
An Intersomatic Devise for Endoscopic Stabilization of the Spine
Planning a Microsurgical Approash and Guiding Intramedullary Tumor or Cyst Removal by Intraoperative Neuromonitoring
Development and Application of a Table-Fixed Retractor System for Spinal Microsurgery
Spinal Navigation in Combination with Intraopeerative Computed Tomography
Endoscopic Microsurgery in Extruded and Free Fragment Lumber Disc Herniations
A Transcutaneous Microprocessor-base Neuromuscular Stimulator for Independent Ambulation by Thoracic-Level Paraplegics
Computer Assissted Surgical Planning in Complex Spine Pathology: A Powerful Tool for Neurosurgeons
The localizing Screw for Spinal Surgery
The Multi-array Technique for Percutaneous Thermoccoagulation in Trigeminal Neuralgia
Computed Visualizaation and Measurement of Multiple Electrode Tracks Following Electrode-Guided Stereotactic Pallidotomy
Application of New Devices and Microelectrodes for Deep Brain Stimulation and Recording
A Finite Element Model for Brain Electrodes and Its Comparison with In-vitro Albumin Lesions
PC-Based Deep Brain Recordding System for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
Carotid Shunt, Telemedicine, Brain Catheters and Electrodes, and Cryosurgery
Utilization of Telemedicine in Support of Geographically Isolated Neurosurgeons in the Military
Design and Clinical Characteristics of a Newly Developed Carotid Artery Shunt
Cranial Bolt Design and MRI-based Targeting for Multiparameter Neuromonitoring
Cryosurgery of the Peripheral Nervous System
Hematoma Evacuator and Tumor Biopsy
Developpment and Clinical Trial of Sugita Titanium Aneurysm Clips
Introduction of Mizuho Ikakogyoo Co., Ltd. And Instrument Invention
Endoscopic assisted Microneuurosurgery for Intracranial Aneurysms
Patents and Licensure

05/18/99 The Role of RAS in Hypertension, Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

05/19/99 Neuroscience Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

05/24/99 Cancer Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

05/26/99 Spectrum of Critical Care, Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-4hrs

06/16/99 Neuroscience Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

06/23/99 Radiology-Neurology Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

07/07/99 Brain Oedema Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, D. Mendnlow, Cat.I-18hrs
Effect of 2-chloroadenosine after experimental traumatic brain injury in rats
Time course of trace of diffusion tensor (Trace D) and histology in brain edema
L-histidine but not d-histidine attenuates brain edema following cryogenic injury in rats
Brain oxygen pressure (pti02) study in a new swine model of global cerebral ischaemia
MR-imaging in the evaluation of neuroproteective effects of Lubeluzole after traumatic brain injury
ICP and MABP following Traumatic Subarachnoidal Hemorrhage in the rat
Real time monitoring of glutamate following fluid percussion brain injury with hypoxia in the rat
MR-spectroscopic monitoring of posttraumatic metabolism following brain injury in the rat.
Heterogeneous mechanisms of early edema formation in cerebral contusion: diffusion MRI and ADC mapping study
Metabolic changes in pericontusional edematous areas in mild head injury evaluated by 1H MRS
Malignancy and ischemia in brain tumors evaluated by proton-magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (II-MRS)
RCBF in hemorrhagic, non-hemorrhagic and mixed contusions after severe head injury and its effect on perilesional cerebral blood flow
Tumor edema and FMRI: influence of mass effect and edema on bold contrast
The investigation of contrast enhancement of malignant gilomas and the mechanism of Gd-penetration from tumor into the peritumoral zone of edema
Kinetic properties and intracellular signaling mechanism during  swelling-Induced activation of NA +,K+2CL- contransport in C6 glioma cells
Effect of antidematous substances on regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) in patients with cerebral tumours
Human brain endothelium: Adrenergic mediation of ICAM-1 expression
Altered cerebral water balance after water intoxication in aquaporin-4 knock-out mice.

(Continued on page 29)

Dr. Dan Miulli | Family | Education | Work Experience | Teaching & Research | Continuing Education | Selected Papers

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