Physician, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Researcher, Consultant

Dr. Dan Miulli

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(Continued from page 28)

Induction of superoxide radicals is the mechanism by which tumor necrosis factor-a exerts a dual action on ischaemia-induced neuronal damage in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures.
Time Course of Apoptotic Cell Death After Experimental Neurotrauma
The permissive nature of blood brain barrier (BBB) opening in edema formation following traumatic brain injury.
Glutathione homeostasis in human blood-brain barrier endothelial cells subjected to in vitro ischemia
In vivo MR-based quantification of absolute NAA levels in rat brain
Influence of a bradykinin B1/B2-receptor-antagonist B 9430 in the cerebral microcirculation and outcome of gerbils from global cerebral ischemia
Secondary energy failure and evolution of infarctional after repeated cerebral ischemia in gerbil
Indomethancin and cyclosporin a inhibit in vitro ischemia-induced expression of pro-inflammatory genes in human brain endothelial cells.
Induction of soluble adhesion molecules in delayed ischaemia after human aneurismal subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Reduction of cognitive and motor deficits after traumatic brain injury in mice deficient in poly (ADP ribose) polymerase.
Influence of Hypothermia on Cell Volume Reegulation of Glial Cells in vitro
Combined therapy utilizing a novel NA+/H+ exchange inhibitor (SM-20220) and tham for ischemic brain edema
Lf 16-0687 A Novel Non-Peptide Bradykinin B2 Receptor Antagonist Reduces Vasogenic Brain Oedema from a Focal Lesion in Rats
Bradykinin 2-receptor-antagonist LF 16.0687MS reduces brain edema
AT1 receptor antagonist prevents brain oedema without lowering blood pressure
The effects of dopamine on cerebral edema formation in two models of traumatic brain injury
A new antioxidant compound H-290/51 attenuates upregulation of constitutive isoform of heme oxygenase (HO-2) following trauma to the rat spinal cord
Bradykinin2 receptor antagonist HOE-140 attenuates blood-spinal cord barrier permeability following trauma to the rat spinal cord
Spreading depression induces permanent cell swelling under penumbra conditions
Effetcs of brain oedema in the measurement of ischaemic brain oedema in focal cerebral infarction
Role of aquaporin-4 in brain edema and BBB disruption after focal cerebral ischemia and
Reperfusion in rats
A trial of non-invasive monitoring in the early stages of stroke
Blood pressure response to glucose, potassium and insulin (GKI) therapy in patients with acute stroke and hyperglycaemia
Intracranial pressure influences the resolution of vasogenic brain edema following intracerebral hemorrhage
Induction of colligin may attenuate brain edema following intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH)
Ocyhemogllobin produces necrosis in cultured smooth muscle cells
Thrombin preconditioning, heat shock proteins and thrombin-induced brain edema
Surgical Trrial in Intracerebral Haemorrhage (S.T.I.C.H.)
Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow as measured by HMPAO SPECT in patients following Spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage
Distinguishing between cellular and vasogenic edema in head injured patients using magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Interstitial lactate in the peritraumatic penumbra of rat brain
Attenuatioon of secondary lesion growwwth of the brain after trauma by selective inhibition of the inducible NO-synthase
Neuroprotective effects of immunosuppressant FK-506 on cerebral contusion:FK-506 attenuates contusion edema and resultant tissue damages
Evidence for lactate uptake after rat fluid percussion brain injury
Mechanical injury alters volume activated ion channels in cortical astrocytes
Low extracellular fluid (ECF) glucose affects the neurochemical profile in severe head-injured patieints
A technique for bedside evaluation of the blood-brain barrier
Monitoring of substrate deliver and brain metabolism in head injury
Extracellular glutamate and aspartate in head-injured patients
Significance of early low brain tissue PO2 after traumatic brain injury
Effects of glutamate on energy metabolism after severe human head injury
Assessment of the Variation in Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Head Injured Patients
Monitoring of non-invasive cerebral perfusion pressure (nCPP)
A Study of the effects of using Different Cerebral Perfusion Pressure (CPP) Thresholds to Quantify CPP "Secondary Insults" in Children.
Brain oxygen tension in severe human head injury.
Does a better cerebral perfusion pressure always mean a better oxygenated brain?  A study in severely head-injurred patients.
Continuous monitoring of ICP and CPP following spontansous ICH and its relationship to clinical, radiological and surgical parameters
The importance of decompressive craniectomy in severe head injury
Dexanabinol phase II clinical trial in severe head trauma
Neuromuscular blocking agents in neurointensive care
Toxin-induced cerebral oedema in a rat model
Influence of infective brain edema and of baicallin on NF-KB activation of brain in rat

(Continued on page 30)

Dr. Dan Miulli | Family | Education | Work Experience | Teaching & Research | Continuing Education | Selected Papers

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