Physician, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Researcher, Consultant

Dr. Dan Miulli

Dr. Miulli's Home Page

Continuing Education Home

(Continued from page 29)

07/21/99 Neuroscience Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

07/28/99 Radiology-Neurology Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

08/09/99 Cancer Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

08/25/99  Radiology-Neurology Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

08/26/99 Hematology Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

09/20/99 Cancer Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

10/02/99+ ACOS Annual Clinical Assembly, Seattle, WA, Category I-28hrs

10/08/99 Gliadel Advisory Meeting

10/20/99 Neuroscience Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

10/23/99 Vascular Today 1999, Des Moines, IA Cat.I/IIA-6hrs

10/27/99 Radiology- Neurology Conference, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-1hrs

10/27/99 Endocrinology into the New Millennium, Mercy Hospital, DSM, IA, Cat.I-4hrs

10/30/99+ Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Cat.I-41hrs
Percutaneous Trigeminal Neuralgia
Indications for Epilepsy Surgery
Movement Disorders Pathophysiology, Diagnosis treatment
Build a Booming Practice
Intracerebral Hematoma
Surgical Options for Lumbar Discectomy
Surgery of Cerebral Giliomas: Past, Present, and Future
Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome: Lessons on the Origins of CNS Tumors
Glial Cell Ontology: The Key to Understanding Cerebral Tumors
Mechanisms of Gilioma Invasiveness
The Future of Pituitary Surgery
Perspective on Pituitary Surgery
The Future of Neuropathology
Entering the Third Millennium: Defining Modernity and the Emerging Futurism in Neurosurgery
Posterior Circulation Aneurysms - a 25 Year Experience
What is the Difference Between Impairment, Disability, and Handicap?
Impairment and Disability from Brain Injury and Stroke
Impairment and Disability Associated with Cognitive Dysfunction and Epilepsy
AMA Guide to Impairment as it Relates to Pain
Functional Capacity Evaluations
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Workman's Compensation
Determination of Spinal Impairment Using AMA Guidelines
Aneurysms Which Require Extended Skull Base Approaches
Selecting Aneurysms Which are Adequately Exposed Without Utilizing Extended Skull Base Approaches
Aneurysms Which Should be Referred for Endovascular Treatment
The Limits of Coiling Aneurysms-Choosing Lesions for Surgery
An Inspiration of Courage and Triumph - Lance Armstrong
Women in Neurosurgery
A Prospective Randomized Blinded Trial of GPi vs. Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation for Medically Intractable Parkinson's Disease
Evaluation of On-line Microdialysis to Diagnose "Vasospasm" Following Aneurysmatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)
Neurosurgery's Men of the Century
When Should the Radiosurgeon Refer Arteriovenous Malformations for Conventional Surgery?
The Need for Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Arteriovenous Malformations
Extracranial Carotid Lesions that Should be Surgically Repaired
Extracranial Carotid Lesions that Should be Managed with Angioplasty and Stenting
Pedicle Screw Fixation Revisited
Regulatory Status and Update
What is the Current Role of Lumbar Pedicle Fixation?
Screws, Cages, Both, Neither?
Competition by Sensory Axons for Endoneurial Pathways Decreases Motoneuron Axonal Regeneration
Value of Continuous Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Monitoring During Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery
Virtual Fluoroscopy: Multiplanar X-Ray Guidance with Minimal Radiation Exposure

(Continued on page 31)

Dr. Dan Miulli | Family | Education | Work Experience | Teaching & Research | Continuing Education | Selected Papers

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