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prosperous. During this time, under the wing of another kind individual, Dr. Miulli acquired extensive experience in the business of healthcare. He yearned to help not only in the care of the neurosurgical patient but also in all aspects that related to his and other's patients. He quickly became ingrained in committees and organizations which dealt with healthcare policy, planning, outcomes, protocols, quality assurance and leadership.
These same type of activities were continued in the West. Examples of these qualities are listed below.
Leadership Visionary, providing direction and commitment to programs that identify causes, and prevent and treat stroke and other diseases of the nervous system. The "brain attack" program in St. Cloud became the forerunner of stroke treatment in Minnesota. This was accomplished by re-education of the health professionals, health care system and the general public.
Developing and directing an organization whose goal was to reduce the burden of neurological disease. Neuroscience centers were started in St. Cloud Minnesota and other Midwest cities, each was a coalition of physicians and facilities organized to integrate national standards to improve healthcare.
Founded the "American Organization of Neurological Surgeons", to enable professionals from disparate organizations to share information and knowledge Led team effort to develop and implement long term strategic planning, quality assurance, protocols, standards and outcome measures in the Brain Attack program, Neuroscience centers, Ortho/Neuro/Rehab Care Center Board, Spine Center, Brain Tumor Center, St. Cloud Neurosurgical Institute, Neurosurgical Institute and in the non-health organizations University of Illinois at Chicago, Video Clinic Service Center and A Better Video Store.
President of American College of Osteopathic Surgeons Neurosurgical Section (formerly (Continued on page 6)