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slightly quicker and in the past slightly slower. In order to time travel then, one would initiate the plasma field around the walls of the ship, separating the ship from the current space-time continuum. Next a frequency generator would be started, changing ever so slight the vibration of matter, adjusted for the time period in question. The frequency field would encompass the outside as well as the inside of the ship, causing the materials of the walls, the inside and the travelers matter to vibrate at the new frequency giving off the new graviton wave. This would "tune" the ship and the traveler to the new time period. The matter would continue to vibrate at the new frequency until altered again, just as occurs in crystals. All matter of this universe vibrates at a certain frequency so therefore, when altering that frequency to travel in time one would travel also to an alternate and parallel universe. This change in frequency is analogous to going to that point of color on the time paper and beginning a line of that color. The theories of time travel if made practical have endless uses.
Lumbar Surgery in the Elderly
A study by Quigley, et al., for Allegheny General Hospital, Neurosurgery, 1992, one of my training hospitals, concluded that their paper was the most comprehensive review in the literature of lumbar procedures in the elderly and indicated that these operations may be undertaken in this population with acceptable morbidity and reasonable expectation of clinic improvement. In this paper from one of the institutions where I trained, they did list multiple levels of surgical intervention. In Table 2 there were two operations from T11 to L1, 11 from L2 to L4, four from L2 to L5, three from L2 to S1, 31 from L3 to L5.
An outcome study by Greenfield, et al., analyzing pedicle screw fixation for arthrodesis of the lumbosacral spine in the elderly concluded that despite the increase in age, core morbidity and associated risk of perioperative complications inherent in this population an outcome comparable with that of the younger patient is reported. He stated that over the past ten years the use of pedicle screw fixation for the purpose of stabilization of the arthrodesed spine has increased. Concomitantly, the population over 65 has doubled in the last 20 years. This population currently accounts for more than 12% of the total population and is expected to increase by as much as 20% by the year 2000. Between 1979 and 1998, the use of lumbar decompressions among Americans 65 years of age and older increased by 80%. The incidents of fusion surgery in this age group increased by 450%. In his paper the preoperative diagnosis for fusion was degenerative spondylosis, segmental instability, degenerative spinal stenosis, isthmic spondylolisthesis, recurrent (Continued on page 63)