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55 years of age. The risk for adjacent segment failure includes age greater than 60, female gender, postmenopausal status, osteopenia, osteoporosis, preoperative adjacent segment instability, floating fusions (those that are not anchored to the sacrum), long fusion segments, loss of control or sagittal balance and, therefore, when fusion is to be considered, you should not fuse to a diseased segment.
Bridwell further suggests this same idea in 1996 that you should not stop at the diseased segment but continue past that and anchor at the sacrum. He reported that at a report from the annual meeting of the Scoliosis Research Society that they now prefer always to include L5-S1 in a fusion if it is degenerative, even if it is not symptomatic. Perra from his work in scoliosis suggested that long fusion segments should go to the sacrum because the L4 to S1 area is most common for pseudoarthrosis.
Neuroscience Center "Where Brain, Mind and Spine Care Come Together"
ORIGINAL WORK This center of excellence is an organization providing a seamless continuum of care for the enhancement and understanding as well as the advanced comprehensive healthcare of the patient with diseases of the nervous system. This is accomplished by providing patient focused health care combined with exemplary customer service. The "Neuroscience Center" (NSC) will provide exceptional education to all neuroscience patients in Iowa and Missouri through print and Internet interaction.
Values and Future Directions: 1. Treat the Whole person, mind, body and spirit. 2. Practice old values of patient directed care and comfort with new skills, information and technology. 3. Set outcomes and clinical pathways for all neuroscience patients. 4. Develop compassionate comprehensive team care to neuroscience patients 5. Establish and foster the premiere neuroscience research center in the state. 6. Establish the Center as the point of information regarding new technology in neurosciences.
MAJOR NEUROSCIENCE DISEASES & STATE DEMOGRAPHICS Low Back Pain is the second leading cause of disability and work-
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