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7. Okada N, Ota J, Sato K, Kitano Y. Metastasizing Eccrine Sweat Gland Carcinoma. Archives of Dermatology 1984;120:768-769.
8. Cottel WI. Eccrine Epithelioma: Case Report. Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology 1982;8:610-611.
9. Nakamura S, Imai T, Nakayama K, Goto M, Nishihara K, Hoshi K. Malignant Eccrine Tumor A Case Report and a Classification of Tumors of Eccrine Sweat Apparatus. Journal of Dermatology 1990;17:500-505.
This mass was 17 cm by 12 cm and weighed 1227 grams. It was attached to the occipital scalp by a highly vascular stalk. It contained a flat yellow granular surface with scattered areas of hemorrhagic necrosis on multiple cut sections. It was independently supported prior to removal.
FIGURE 2: A CT scan was performed and revealed a solid, homogeneous enhancing mass, with calcifications and no further extension either intra or extracranial.
FIGURE 3: Histology section, H & E stain, magnification 100x and 400x. The specimen exhibited irregular islands of tumor cells with cystic spaces among a dense fibrous stroma of basaloid cells. In some areas the solid cords extended from the cystic spaces, giving the appearance of tadpoles. The chords were one or more cells thick and composed of small uniformed, hyperchromatic nuclei with an eosinophilic and very infrequent vacuolated cytoplasm. There were areas of mitosis and nuclear and cytoplasmic pleomorphism. There was no keratinization however, perineural invasion was present. The tumor infiltrated the dermis and subcutaneous tissue.
I have always had a fascination with the unknown. I was born in 1960, the end of the baby boom. My parents although not "Hippies" were open minded about life. My mom fostered my curiosity. I never heard, "Curiosity killed the cat", except from my grandmother, but then I would respond, "Satisfaction brought him back", something I think I learned from my mother. I did not have a hero as a child, however there were "people" who influenced the
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