(Continued from page 71)
related injury & absenteeism. LBP results in more lost productivity than any other medical condition. It affects 50 million Americans annually, mostly 35-55 years old. LBP leads to 175.8 million restricted annual days. It has an annual prevalence of 15-20%. 70-80% of the world experience LBP. Stroke annually affects 700,000 Americans. It is the third most common cause of death in the US, killing 90,000 women and 60,000 men. The rate of deaths is 79.6/100,000 in Iowa and steadily increasing. Stroke is the leading cause of disability and long term institutionalized care. It is second to Alzheimer's disease as the cause of dementia. Stroke disease costs Americans $30 billion per year.
Alzheimer's Disease account for 1.3% of deaths in our state.
Head trauma causes 1,975,000 annual US injuries, 366,000 annual US hospitalizations and 75,000 annual US deaths. 99,000 people develop irreversible loss of function. The lifetime care per patient is $2 million, which is $25 billion nationally per year. 250,000 to 400,00 people are living with spinal cord injury and dysfunction.
The leading statewide providers of neurological services are University 32%, hospital #1 19%, and hospital #2 20%. Neurological discharges are growing an average 4% annually while other inpatient admissions are declining.
Our state is the state with the second oldest population and is the second obese state. Our nine county area has a population of 950,000. This can support 9.5 neurosurgeons and 13.5 neurologists.
COMPOSITION The departments of the neurology, neurosurgery, rehabilitative medicine, pain management, interventional neural radiology, neuroscience research and patient education will comprise the NSC. There should be additional sections of telemedicine, preventive medicine, neuro-oncology, neuro-ophthalmology and neuro-otology.
NSC will have clinics for low back pain and spine disease, peripheral neuropathies, epilepsy, movement disorders, spasticity, dizziness and vertigo, research, headaches, neuro-oncology, stroke including aneurysms, AVMs and carotid artery disease, stroke head injury and spinal cord injury rehabilitation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and dementia clinic.
Initially clinics can be set up for low back pain, headaches, dementia and stroke rehabilitation, and brain injury rehabilitation. (Continued on page 73)