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way that I thought. I discovered from the movie "The Sword and the Stone" to look at life through the eyes of other creatures, things and people. I learned to question the obvious and expect the unexpected. I believe dreams do come true, and if you can imagine something you can do it. There is no limit to our abilities, just our fortitude. There are many things that I have accomplished and many more to start. At the present time in life, I am playing in the sciences, crossing the fine line between science and science fiction and therefore thought this would be a fine time to write down what I have been imagining for decades. When I was a freshman in college I enrolled in physics. This was my favorite class next to human anatomy. The algebra-based physics (as opposed to calculus-based) was taught by a professor who worked at Fermi labs. During one of our sessions about gravity he said that "It" was not completely understood. No one knew its configuration, its size or how it related to other basic principles. Like most other questions that were posed during my schooling I decided that I would try to unravel the mystery. I assembled equations that I knew and tried to solved for the unknowns to determine the wavelength of gravity. As I presented this to the professor, my basic assumptions were that gravity traveled only as fast as the speed of light and that gravity was a wave. I explained that gravity was the grand unifying theory, that it had to obey Einstein's principles and that it had to follow quantum mechanics and exist all over. I started writing down equations on the board until I obtained the answer. I explained that gravity is a property of matter and the interaction of that matter. As already known, two bodies interact depending upon there matter. The sun, the moon, the galaxies as well as the objects that fall to earth all interact. Gravity is due to packets of energy called "Gravitons". Gravitons are released continuously as matter vibrates. Gravitons are the smallest unit of matter and constitute all else. These Gravitons have a wavelength of 10e-32 meters. As the Gravitons are released a "Hole" is left in matter. It is the continuous attraction of these Gravitons for the Holes that make matter attract. A body stays on the earth because the Holes of the body want to be closer to the concentration of Gravitons in the earth. The Gravitons of the earth go into space and cause an attraction by the Holes of the moon. This force exist at all levels and likewise causes the force between subatomic particles. As long as matter exists, gravity exists. Gravity is also responsible for the loss of matter, or more correctly it is the energy that matter decays into. Protons have an estimated life of 10e21 years, this is the amount of time needed for critical matter to decay into Gravitons and therefore to consist of Holes which can not stabilize matter under our universal conditions. Therefore, knowing the mass of the proton and life span of the proton one can calculate the approximate release of Gravitons per second. In the beginning there was a collection of matter, (Continued on page 60)