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extremely dense consisting of only Gravitons without Holes. It was the repulsion of those Gravitons for each other that blew the mass apart with such great power that not only was matter scattered all over the universe but enough energy was released to cause Gravitons to be released from matter giving rise to Holes and therefore causing an attractive force which keeps the universe from continuously expanding. It was neither the theory of Gravitons nor the wavelength of gravity that was such a wonderful find. It was what I thought I could do with the theories at least in my imagination. I decided that I could use this information to time travel! It was quite simple; gravity was the basic fundamental force holding together all matter in our universe, if we could exist outside of our universe's gravity we could exist outside of our universe's space-time continuum. Time is another dimension. It is not a dimension of length, height or width and therefore can not be modified or traveled using those dimensions. One can not increase ones velocity to travel some meters and expect fundamentally to travel through time. Time can be imagined as a red line starting at the "Big Bang", running across the top of a piece of paper that is graduated in shades from red to orange red and we are currently somewhere in the middle. Time travel begins by removing oneself from the present universe, going outside the effects of gravity and then adjusting ones frequency to another shade of red, more red for the past, more orange for the future. Once the color is adjusted ones relationship with gravity is re-established and there you are. One might exist in that time period for 1 hour and then want to "go back" to the present. When one returns, the time is when one has left plus 1 hour. The period were one exists for that hour may have been the past, but not of our universe, but a parallel one. Thus one could travel back in time, cause ones grandfather not to have children and still return to "normal" life in the present. One would modify the past and therefore cause the existence of a parallel universe, which as it progressed into the future, would exist without the time traveler. Likewise, one could travel into the future, not the exact future of the present's world but one approximating it. The future's universe would exist because the traveler has entered it and it may parallel the future of the traveler's world. Each time that the traveler ventures out to the past or future a new parallel universe would be created. In this way our universe's past could not be change nor our future be exactly predicted. Only by bringing objects back to the present can one influence time. Many years ago I realized the basic principles that guided the universes of the time traveler. I understood that by constructing a ship made of an extremely dense material with matter slightly denser than 10e-32 meters, or producing a force that would stop Gravitons, I would exist outside of the universe's gravity but not the ships (this would be akin to the TARDIS of Dr. Who science-fiction). I could then project a plasma field around the ship (Continued on page 61)